Home and Heaven — Anselm Society

Busyness. Mobility. Transience. Abuse. Poverty. In the face of these things and many more, how can we imagine home in 2015 America?

The John Jay Institute's symposium, "Home in a Changing World," includes entries by (so far) two Anselm writers.

Heidi White explores the relationship between home and heaven, bringing in Narnia, Thomas Howard, and Homer:

"In the Odyssey, a story about coming home, Odysseus chose the turmoil of mortal life over reclining on the beach with a goddess, because his home in Ithaca was in harmony with his nature. So it is with Christians. Of course heaven is a better place. But we are not yet ready to live there. Our earthly nature is mingled dust and Breath; our earthly homes reflect this mysterious dichotomy."

Jody Byrkett illustrates why sometimes it's important to sacrifice the perfect home:

"I see, in fact, that most of the traditions I have carried into adult life have the kitchen at their heart. Perhaps more specifically, the kitchen table. It was there that Mom fed us hearty breakfasts every morning and Dad read Scripture or The Chronicles of Narnia to us after dinner."

The Institute invites more writers to contribute to the symposium, which you can do here: http://www.centerforajustsociety.org/write-a-response-to-an-article/
