In their second annual draft, Matt and Marcus compete against three other Anselm artists to assemble history's most interesting pub table!
The Believe to See Podcast
The podcast of the Anselm Society Arts Guild. Hosts Matt Mellema and Marcus Robinson go deep with artists about their craft, and also enjoy very serious conversations about very silly subjects. “Some things have to be believed to be seen." -Madeleine L'Engle
From paintings to novels, titles can guide expectations of viewers and readers, for good or for ill. Join the hosts at the roundtable as they talk about titles — and “untitles” and subtitles and more — and see how you handle Mandy’s genre quiz!
Too often, the broader culture portrays Christians as narrow-minded hypocrites. We can all imagine plenty of explanations for this. But that leads to a more fundamental question. Why is it so hard to create a character who is both: (1) well-developed and compelling, and (2) a sincere Christian?
Ever feel like there was a band, tv show, or book that you were “supposed” to hate? Like hating it was required to prove you’re cool and sophisticated? When Matt was in college, that band was Nickelback. And he’s wondered why ever since…
The hosts discuss whether we should expect children’s animation to be serious art. They do this primarily by analyzing some of their favorite animated films.
Artists need solitude to create (or “conjure”), but we need one another too. Mandy and Matt and Christina discuss finding a balance between these seemingly contradictory needs.
Matt, Mandy, and Christina gather together to debrief about our recent podcast guest Lancia E. Smith on the power of naming.
Join Mandy as she talks with Amanda about how we might “reclaim the holidays for [our] heart’s formation and the glory of God”.
Christina dives deep into the real meaning of Halloween. It’s not what you think.
Matt’s debut middle-grade fantasy novel, Red Rex, is here! Join Mandy and Christina as they talk with Matt about the dream, the process, the plot, the characters, the illustrations — and the footnotes.