An exploration of the flourishing Artist Christian

The modern romantic ideal of the artist is the eccentric genius; a loner, an outcast, different from everyone else. And this has some basis in reality; artists often do see the world differently than their next-door neighbors.

But for a Christian artist, even acknowledging the latter, eccentric genius can't be the goal--because he isn't exempted from the call to love his neighbor, or to be a fruitful member of the Body of Christ. So what is a Christian artist to do?

In this series, the Anselm Society (across all its podcasts, blogs, and events) will explore an alternative vision: the rooted and grounded, or centric, genius. We'll encounter story after story of artists (living and dead) whose work was rooted in strong relationships and support systems; unpack different frameworks for seeing the world and understanding our place in it; and glimpse a vision of a new normal: one where everyone has a place in God's Kingdom and where thriving as an artist and thriving as a person coexist.


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On the Redeemed Imagination Podcast

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