Speaking and Writing Camps for Kids — Anselm Society
  • Holy Trinity Anglican Church (map)
  • 13990 Gleneagle Dr
  • Colorado Springs, CO, 80921
  • United States

I am so very excited to announce that this August I will be hosting Speaking and Writing with Joy Summer camps! These 2-day long summer camps will be fun, practical, and skill building intensives focusing on equipping your children to be excellent, excited, and exciting communicators both on paper and in front of a crowd. Need further convincing? See below.


One of the most important skills you can send your children into the world with is the ability to communicate well. As a recent college graduate, I noticed that many students fear, weary of, or simply feel inadequate at communicating through writing and/or speaking. I firmly believe communication is one of the least cultivated and most beneficial skills students can develop. It is for this reason that I have crafted these two day intensives to show students the joy of communicating and help them hone their abilities in these areas.


These two day intensives will aim at getting students excited about communicating and giving them the tools to do so skillfully. The time will be spent in a mixture of lectures, workshops, activities, and assignments. Each student will be able to end the intensive with their own piece of communication (a speech for the speaking workshops and a creative essay for the writing workshops). Each workshop will vary in activities appropriate and amenable to the ages of the students. 


Speaking with Joy ages 8-12
August 4-5 (10:30-2:30)

Writing with Joy ages 8-12
August 10-11 (10:30-2:30)


Holy Trinity Anglican Church. See above for address and map.


The price for the two day camp is 75 dollars. If you can rally a group of 5 or more students, the price will be 65 for each student.

I have learned the joy of communicating, and I hope to be able to pass that on this summer! Please feel free to pass on this email to friends with other future communicators!

Email me with any questions!

Joy Clarkson

P.S. Like the facebook page for updates! 


Joy Clarkson

Joy Clarkson
