Modern Mythology and the Christian Journey — Anselm Society
  • Holy Trinity Anglican Church (map)
  • 13990 Gleneagle Drive
  • Colorado Springs, CO 80921

Four-part series: four Sundays at 10am
Jan 24, Jan 31, Feb 7, Feb 14

Drawing from hero tales like Star Wars and Harry Potter, and myths and legends from across time and place, this four-part class for adults and teenagers is a great way to kick off the winter!

We will start with an overview of mythos and logos--story and word--in classical, ancient near-east, and modern mythology. We'll explore the archetypal Hero's Journey and how hero tales from all over the world point to one true Hero. How 20th and 21st century mythology shape our view of God and relationship with him. And we will explore how all of this can affect us as children of the High King.

No registration is required.


Michael Pollard, film expert and teacher
