Online Art Exhibit: "Suffering Alone" — Anselm Society

Humans are no strangers to pain, to depression, to things (including in our own minds) that make us feel hopeless, trapped, hated, unheard, or afraid. And we often bear the worst pain alone, because we do not know how to talk about it, are afraid to be judged or seen differently, or simply cannot find anyone who has been where we are. Too often, when we muster up the courage to talk, to try not to bear it alone, we are told to "Buck up," assured that the person will pray for us (as they rush on with their day), or given a platitude about God.

But in the church, no one should suffer alone. And there is a special reason for that.

Holy Week is the time when the church remembers the final days of Christ, before culminating in Easter and the Resurrection. On the four days before Easter in particular, the church has historically remembered the suffering of Christ on behalf of mankind--Christ, who has borne pain like us in every way; who has in fact carried all the pain and evil on his shoulders. We worship a God who suffers with us. We are members of His Body, a body that is called to be like him.

This event will bring to bear the combined vision of the Colorado artistic community to illuminate suffering, mental illness and depression...and hope.

Image: (c) Paulette Triplett -
