Managing Editor

Sarah is an artist and philosopher and lives her life demonstrating that these are two sides of the same coin. Her work centers on the heart-felt convergence between these two disciplines and how they fall upon every human everyday in the most ordinary of circumstances. Sarah grew up in the woods by a lake in Northeast Ohio, disdaining crayons and avoiding all art classes possible. Yet, in one fateful and obligatory art class, Sarah encountered an art teacher that thought art was merely our pursuit of being the “truth-tellers” that beauty demands of all of her witnesses. Ever since then, Sarah has been captivated by the desire to become a better truth-teller in every medium of life as she becomes more captivated by the beauty she sees. As providence (with a little courage) would have it, Sarah bypassed any traditional art or academic program, but rather trained under a Master Artist as an apprentice for four years in the classical tradition with a harmonious blend of impressionist color. Upon completion, Sarah then studied philosophy in the Torrey Honors College, receiving a Bachelor of Arts from Biola University. She is an enduring student of God’s creative wonders. See her artwork on:

Learn more about writing for the Anselm Society or how to contact Sarah.