Join the Anselm Society Book Club for a little George MacDonald.
Although this great influencer of C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Madeleine L'Engle created plays, essays, sermons, and poems, he’s best known for his fairy tales and fantasy novels, of which, we will indulge ourselves this January.
Join us at 6:30pm on Saturday, January 15, as the Book Club begins its discussion of The Light Princess, MacDonald’s fantastical story about a weightless princess and the woe that her Sleeping Beauty-like birthday curse brings to her kingdom.
You can find a free e-text version here or, if you prefer to listen and read, click here.
To RSVP by January 11 and receive directions to the home of Judith Sears, drop a note to
Join us for storytelling and song, with music led by Anselm's pub band, and storytelling by some familiar bards—and YOU.
Join us for an evening of celebrating Advent, sharing a potluck dinner together, and reading a Christmas short story aloud.
Join us as we huddle around a
fire enjoying warm food and
drink, exploring the darker side
of the Christian imagination.
Join us an evening of stories and songs with singer/songwriter Matthew Clark.