In the Deep Midwinter: A Night of Stories & Songs to Cheer the Soul — Anselm Society
  • Colorado Springs, CO, 80921
  • United States

It is as if the light that is to come
had taken on a flake-like form and substance
laid itself, in silhouette, along, against,
the windward part
of every naked trunk and branch.
The ground below lies cloaked, each blade of grass or bracken
with its glistening garment,
so that, even at the darkest hour last night,
a luminescence shone as if reflected
from whatever burns within.
Might the bright, promised realm
lie here and now revealed,
its last impediment
my faltering fear to enter in?-
J. Barrie Shepherd, "Forest Snowfall"

As January's melancholy starts to seep into our spirits, join us as we grapple with winter's darkness and point each other towards the light that shines brightly within it. We will do this through storytelling and song, with music led by Anselm's pub band, storytelling by some familiar bards, and YOU.

Help us continue The Anselm Society's participation in the great tradition of Christian storytelling and song. Bring your instrument and/or your voice for a semi-structured, jam session style gathering. We'll offer a mixture of opportunities to listen and to participate.

Location will be provided upon registration.

What to expect:

Food? We'll provide drinks and light snacks.

Format? We'll gather in an Anselm member's home for a cozy, intimate evening.

How will the music and stories work? If you have an instrument, please bring it and play along. This will be a semi-structured event with most pieces selected beforehand. Feel free to submit a song, story, or poem you'd like to play together on registration. We'll let you know ahead of time what songs we'll include so you have a chance to familiarize yourself with them.

Questions? Contact us at
